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1 CriticalDragon1177  Apr 19, 2014 9:39:51am


This is a movement that must be destroyed. We can’t allow our country to be pushed back because racists can’t stand having to live with people who are their “race.” This is the twenty first century, these idiots need to learn to live in it, or be driven so far to the margins of society that even they realize that they have no chance of getting what they want.

2 FemNaziBitch  Apr 19, 2014 10:51:25am

re: #1 CriticalDragon1177


This is a movement that must be destroyed. We can’t allow our country to be pushed back because racists can’t stand having to live with people who are their “race.” This is the twenty first century, these idiots need to learn to live in it, or be driven so far to the margins of society that even they realize that they have no chance of getting what they want.

I’d like to think they can learn it’s not a zero-sum game. We (feminism) would like everyone to be included.

Learning that not eveyone wants to be included sucks.

3 CriticalDragon1177  Apr 19, 2014 2:56:36pm

re: #2 FemNaziBitch

I would like to think that too, but they’re thinking isn’t really rational. Its based on hatred. The only way they’re going to learn that its not a zero sum game will be when they learn to abandon the idea that they’re superior based on what group they were born into.

4 palmerskiss  Apr 19, 2014 3:19:41pm

I found a new buddy!!! cannot wait to get to know this loser.

5 majii  Apr 19, 2014 9:29:37pm

As a POC, I find it hard to see things the way Kyle Hunt does. I’m wondering where he got all of the claims that he makes. Not one black person I know, including yours truly, wants to “destroy” the white race. This claim indicates to me that paranoia is a constant companion to Hunt, along with intense fear and a penchant for believing every new crackpot conspiracy theory he hears about POC, gay Americans, atheists, and anyone else he has “heard” poses some kind of threat to him. Hunt appears to be so filled with fear that it amazes me he’s even able to breathe without thinking some POC or member of the aforementioned groups is going to come and snatch the air out of his nostrils.

6 CriticalDragon1177  Apr 19, 2014 10:56:02pm

re: #5 majii

Real anti white racist, have far more in common with people like the “anti racist” is a code for “anti white” “white genocide” idiots than anti racists like us. For one thing if I was an anti white racist and I wanted to destroy the “white race” I wouldn’t encourage mass immigration and mass assimilation to do so. People who look down on others based on what group they happen to be born into, usually don’t want people belonging to their “superior race” interbreeding with them. These sick people basically think that anyone who doesn’t support laws that favor white people are “anti white.” The “white genocide” people are a bunch of extreme racists. Many of them, unsurprisingly even deny the real genocide of the Holocaust while whining about the non existent “white genocide”

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